Thursday 28 July 2011

Still burdened by chemicals......

Yes, I am still addicted to beauty products.

Yes, I am still going to try and reduce my chemical burden.

I know, the blogging has been slow going.  Time is my enemy. It's cruel and always sneaks away from me. I am certain we all feel this. There is never enough time in the day to do the things we really want to do! Just like, there is never enough chocolate in the house to satisfy that good 'ol sweet craving.

But today, I managed to trick Time. I was overly efficient at work. I skipped lunch and caught up on all those nagging "to do's". So now, I have a spare moment to catch-up on the blogging. Take that Time!

So see the picture at the top of this post? That is currently my bible. It is the book guiding my cosmetic crusade. Remember, Gillian Deacon? I mentioned her last time. Well, she is the author of my trusty beauty battle book. Deacon has done heaps of work when it comes to researching beauty products. She also includes in her book links to other authors and organizations doing the same thing. So for now, I am using Deacon's book as a guide. Now even though she is a respected journalist and environmentalist, I am not taking everything she says at face value. I always try to second source information. If you know my trade, then you know -  double even triple -  sourcing information is a must for me. Basically, its an occupational hazard. I hope to  share more information about the book and helpful links in blogs to come.

Now let's get down to the "nitty-gritty" as my mother would say. As you may recall, I am in the process of swapping some of my favorite beauty products for simpler, kinder products free of harsh chemicals. The process has begun. Recently, I hit Whole Foods here in Toronto and made my first purchase. But before, I write up my review let me explain how it will work. It's pretty simple actually.

What I will do:

1. Buy a product that I have researched. I will use websites, my beauty bible and the help of natural product experts when choosing the product.

2. I will try the product.

3. I will write a review of the product.

4. I will rate the product. I have decided to use a kiss icon to help me do this. It is my nod to Deacon. She has a tube of red lipstick on the cover of her book. I thought a glossy kiss would be appropriate. Totally cheesy, I know! Anyhow, the rating will follow a scale of one to five. You know the drill, one is usually not so good. Five is a fab!

So, there you have it. I have a plan! I have a product! Let the process of reducing my chemical burden begin.

"Holy poop balls" as my mother would say. Yes, she says that. And she says it when she is surprised, puzzled or overwhelmed. Why am I saying it? Well, once again Time is being nasty. I have to run. Life's nagging chores are calling. So I will have to keep you in suspense over my first product review. Think suds not mud. Stay tuned for more.......

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