Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Update: Product Review #1

The first product reviewed here on Tiny Tin Cans was Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap. I tested a bar of this hippie-dippie soap and loved it. 

Since posting the review, I purchased the liquid version of the same soap. Actually, I purchased it for my husband. Yep, the poor guy has been dragged into my product swap experiment. I have to declare that he is not a product addict like me. He keeps things pretty simple. Soap, deodorant and cologne are all he really dabbles in. As a result,  he probably carries a lesser chemical burden than I do.

My husband has now been using the soap for a couple days.

Tonight, I asked him  "how do you like the soap?"

His reply: "It's good."

"Just good", I counter.

"Yep, just good."

Oh, what a man of many words my husband is!

After a little more poking and proding, I managed to get a few more details.He appears to like the smell (The scent was lavender - the same as the solid bar I tested) and he likes how it lathers.

A little more pushing and I get just a little more information.

He doesn't like the packaging. No, it's not the plastic bottle that bugs him. That he can recycle or reuse. What he doesn't like is the bizarre writing all over the bottle.

Dr. Bronner's liquid soap does have odd writing all over it. In fact, the bottle is crowded with writing.

Turns out, the soap's creator Emanuel H. Bronner had a life philosophy. He called his philosophy "All-One-God-Faith" and the "Moral ABC". Bronner's references come from religious sources and from poetry. According to Wikipedia, Bronner was commited to a mental hospital in 1947 while promoting his "Moral ABC" at the University of Chicago. But the slippery soap creator escaped! After Bronner's death, his family continued the business. They have said the labels he wrote will not change except when required by government regulations.

So like my husband, I too think some of the writing is wacky. Bronner had quite the adventurous life. Looks like along the way, he gathered some rather "far-out" ideas. You can do a quick google search on the subject for more information. 

As for me, the writing doesn't make me want to stop using the product just yet.  But, I have to say I plan to stick to the solid bar. The liquid soap feels a bit too watery for me. I like the bar's thick consistency and rich soapy suds. Check out Review #1 for more info on the little magic bar!

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